The Learning Fund
The Learning Fund pays for improvement projects which are vital to enhance our pupils’ school experience, which we couldn’t afford otherwise.
The Learning Fund (previously known as The Governors’ Fund) is money managed by the school governing body. It is independent of the main school budget, which is allocated by the Local Authority. St Michael’s is a Voluntary Aided (VA) Church of England school, administered by the Diocese of London. A VA school has the privilege of setting the ethical tone and directing certain aspects of school life. In return for this privilege, the school governing body commits to paying 10% of the cost of maintaining and improving the school’s buildings and infrastructure. Our children are benefiting from resources which have only been possible because of past generous donations. The Learning Fund relies on the generosity of our parents and carers, and the school would struggle to undertake future improvements without voluntary contributions. The Governors welcome any contribution and are extremely grateful to all parents for their support. Parents have, in the past, asked for guidance, and the Governors suggested a voluntary contribution of £10, £20 or £40 per family per month. However, any contribution, no matter how small, will support our pupils and is fully appreciated. Equally, if you feel you can give more, either on a regular basis or as a one-off donation, your financial support would be greatly appreciated. We are keen to stress that contributions are not obligatory. Pupils’ experiences at St Michael’s will be in no way influenced by whether a voluntary contribution has been made by parents or carers. There are various ways to make a donation to the Learning Fund. You can: Please make a Gift Aid declaration. As the Governors’ Fund is a charity, your donations are also eligible for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Gift Aid increases the value of your charitable donations by 25%, because the school can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift – at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your continuing support. Yours Sincerely, Geraldine Gallagher, Executive Head Cordelia Brown, Chair of GovernorsWhat is the Learning Fund?
Why do we need a fund?
How are the funds used?
The school is committed to providing a high standard of education. The funds are used to refurbish, maintain and improve the school’s facilities in order to create the best possible learning environment for our children. In the past, the Learning Fund has paid for new interactive whiteboards, external lighting, contributed to the total cost of the climbing frames in every playground and WiFi improvements. More recently the Fund has provided 180 Chromebooks for remote and digital learning, improvements to the school library and part funded the running track.
What can I do to help?
How much should I give?
Please contribute if you can:
St Michael’s CofE School
Account number: 18691660
Sort Code: 30-93-80