If anything worries or concerns you, report it straight away to a Designated Safeguarding Lead by emailing dsl@stmichaelsn6.com or if you prefer you can contact Haringey’s MASH Team on 020 8489 4470SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN OF ST MICHAEL’S: KEY CONTACTS
Mrs Geraldine Gallagher
Executive Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sinead O’Brien
Head of School
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr John Coffield
Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Alexandra Cooper
Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Stephen Bethel
Lead Governor for Safeguarding
In order to protect our children, we aim to:
- Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to.
- Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to safeguarding concerns.
When you contact a safeguarding lead you will be listened to, the children’s safety is our priority.
The safeguarding lead will take the decision about whether or not the information needs to be passed to the local authority for further investigation. If a member of the public has reported concerns about a child, they, in legal terms, have no continued responsibility once the report has been made.
If a child makes a disclosure to you:
- Listen to the child.
- Explain that you need to tell one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.
- Either complete a record of concern sheet, or report it on CPOMS. In either case, record the child’s EXACT words.
- If completing a paper sheet, hand it to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads, who will sign it in your presence.
Every member of staff has a duty to keep children safe.
If anything worries or concerns you, report it straight away to a Designated Safeguarding Lead by emailing dsl@stmichaelsn6.com or if you prefer, you can contact Haringey’s MASH Team on 020 8489 4470