Can this school meet my child’s needs?
- St Michael’s is an inclusive school. We encourage you to visit our school and meet with our SENCo.
- We aim to meet the needs of all pupils through a graduated response at the whole-school level.
- Where a potential special educational need is identified, the response becomes increasingly personalised to support the pupil in making progress and securing good outcomes.
- We encourage an open dialogue between school and parents/carers about their child’s needs.
How will my child be included in school life?
- All children benefit from our rich and inspiring curriculum and become active participants in their own learning and in the life of the school and the wider community.
- Children at St Michael’s enjoy a wide range of rich opportunities for developing resilience, confidence, independence, physical and mental health and well-being.
- We also provide tours of the school, home visits before starting Reception, welcome meetings for new parents, ‘Step up day’ at the end of summer term for your child to meet their new teacher and breakfast and after school clubs.
What types of special needs support are available for my child in school?
There are 3 ‘Waves’ of support:
- All class teachers provide inclusive, high-quality teaching for all children, taking account of individual learning needs (Wave 1)
- Some children require time limited targeted interventions in small groups. These may be delivered by Class teacher/TA, overseen by Inclusion Leader (Wave 2)
- Additional, highly personalised interventions for a small percentage of children with SEND identified through our on-going assessment process (Wave 3).
How does the school identify and assess children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
- Class teachers continually assess, plan and review their approach to ensuring that all children make progress.
- Where a pupil is experiencing difficulties working at age related expectations despite Wave 1 support, teachers will first meet with parents and the Inclusion Leader to gather more information to inform teaching approaches and interventions.
- Assessments can also draw on information from observations and screenings by the Inclusion Leader and observations & assessments by outside agencies.
Who are the best people to talk to about any difficulties my child is experiencing?
- Class teacher- always speak to your child’s teacher first if you have any concerns
- Our Inclusion Lead/SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is Andrea Batten
- You can contact Andrea Batten by emailing the school on or calling 02083407441
- Please visit our website to find out who’s who, and areas of responsibility:
How well do pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities achieve in our school?
- Our aim is for all children with SEND to make exceptional progress and be well equipped for transition to secondary school and for adult life.
- For more detailed information please speak to our SENCo.
How does the school communicate with me?
- St Michael’s Newsletter
- Emails from Head Teacher and School Office
- Parents’ evenings
- Annual Reports
- Termly Review of Learning Plan (for pupils receiving Wave 2 & 3 support) with Class Teacher and Inclusion Leader
- Consultation/review meetings with outside agencies, where applicable.
- Multi-agency Annual Review meeting for children with EHC Plans.
Where else can I find support and information?
We have access to:
Please click the link below to download the Information: