Year 5 Curriculum
In Year Five we believe that every moment counts. That’s why we link all of our subjects to one overarching topic to fully immerse the children in their learning and understanding.
If you would like any further information regarding the school’s curriculum, please speak with the class teacher. We aim to involve the children at all stages of the planning of these topics: Where possible maths is linked across all subject areas. Children will also build on what they learned in Lower Key Stage Two by developing their knowledge and understanding of number, fractions, place-value, statistics and geometry. Every week we leave the classroom for an active-maths lesson. This helps to enhance the curriculum and to explore maths in different contexts. There is a focus on problem-solving and maths investigations in order to develop children’s reasoning skills. Religious Education is a fundamental component of our curriculum and ties into everything that we do. As well as covering range of Christian topics, we also spend a term looking at the practices and teachings associated with Buddhism. In KS2 we have developed programs of study utilising our teachers and their specialist knowledge. This enables children to develop skills and a deeper knowledge of each of the areas below. There are cross curriculum links across these subjects, including English and Maths, which utilises children’s skills to enhance their learning. We seek and create opportunities to stimulate, inspire and raise standards.Maths
Religious Education
Specialist afternoon lessons