Art plays an important role in helping our children to be creative, curious and appreciate the world around them. Art lessons are also a fun way to explore topics across the curriculum.
We are fortunate to have facilities such as a dedicated art room. Children are encouraged to be unique and imaginative! During their time at St Michael’s, our children work in a variety of media, learning techniques in textiles, paint, collage and 3D sculpture. Where relevant, art projects take inspiration from artists or art movements and have cross curriculum links other subject areas. Each theme begins with observational drawing in sketchbooks which enables the children to produce quality outcomes and demonstrate progression. As well as dedicated Art teachers, our children also learn from specialist volunteers in workshops. We treasure our children’s artistic talent by holding exhibitions. The children’s artistic endeavours are captured and displayed in a variety of places around the school, from the library to the murals painted by Year 6 in our junior hall. And here on this website too! ‘Art here is fun because the teachers make it fun!’Curriculum overview
Art exhibitions