Year 1 Curriculum
In Year 1 we work hard to build on the early foundations of learning. We encourage a love for learning. At the beginning of Year 1 we recognise the importance of providing children with a well-balanced transition from Early Years.
Throughout the year we cover a range of curriculum areas, these include: If you would like any further information regarding the school’s curriculum, please speak with the class teacher. Children continue their progress through the Read Write Inc phonics programme by taking part in daily, 20 minute sessions. These help improve word reading skills and strategies to engage with texts. Children use phonetic reading scheme books where they develop their ability to segment and blend phoneme/grapheme sounds independently. Children take part in daily guided reading. These sessions focus on a book that corresponds with the sound they are currently learning and is the inspiration for a variety of comprehension and written tasks. We provide opportunities for children to apply their phonological knowledge in their reading and writing in purposeful contexts using high quality texts. We recognise that books provide children with knowledge, language and ideas across all areas of the Year One curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to read at home with an adult each day. Books match closely with each child’s stage within the RWI programme or within the coloured book band system. Reading sessions with any adult, in or out of school are monitored and progress in reading is shared with parents via Google Classroom communication. We have adopted Ruth Miskin’s ‘Read Write Inc.’ phonics scheme of work which underpins and is intricately linked to early reading and writing in the Foundation stage and in Key Stage 1. Children learn the skills to decode and segment unfamiliar words so that they are able to read, write and spell with understanding, fluency, confidence and accuracy. This approach of high quality and systematic synthetic phonic teaching gives our children the skills needed to become fluent readers and confident writers. In English we use the Read Write Inc phonics programme to develop children’s writing skills. Throughout the year we read stories linked to our topics. Children will develop their writing by practising: We encourage children to initially explore mathematical concepts in a practical and hands-on way. This gives children the freedom to discover new concepts independently. We apply taught concepts through problem-solving and discrete teaching. Some of the Year 1 Maths topics include: Throughout the year in Science we plan opportunities for children to take part in experiments, use their observational skills and record their findings. At St Michael’s we take advantage of our school grounds to support our teaching of Science. In Year 1 we focus on: Throughout the school day the Christian Values are promoted. There is daily collective worship, meditation and weekly RE lessons. Children will listen and reflect on a variety of stories from the Bible. Some of the areas we explore are: In Year 1 we plan opportunities for children to understand digital devices and use technology purposefully to create work linked to their learning. We focus on: In Year 1 we actively use our school grounds to plan weekly PE sessions. Areas that we focus on include: Children will be given regular opportunities to paint and explore colours and textures. We focus on a range of Artists including Van Gogh and Monet. We plan art activities to other areas of the curriculum. We teach specific skills including sketching, sculpture and design and technology. Topic lessons are cross-curricular and we focus on both History and Geography. In addition, our topics are linked across the whole curriculum e.g. books in English linked to Toys. In Year 1 we focus on:Reading
Religious Education
Physical Education