Year 3 Homework
Children in Year 3 are expected to be reading daily for 20 minutes. We encourage parents to participate in this routine by discussing with their child what they have read.
This will aid in their comprehension and challenge their understanding of the texts. Their daily reading should be recorded in their Reading Record Books and handed in weekly so their teacher can monitor each child’s progress. Each Friday the children are set Maths homework, which is due the following Wednesday. This homework reviews and consolidates the arithmetic and problem-solving skills that they have been focussing on that week. It is important for children to have a strong knowledge of their times tables by the end of Year 3, so in the Summer Term their times tables are assessed weekly. Each Friday the children are set a list of 14 spellings to learn, which will be tested the following Wednesday. Ten of these words will be based on a Year 3 spelling rule. The four additional words will be commonly misspelled words and words that do not follow usual spelling rules. By the end of Year 3 children are expected to be proficient in joining their handwriting. This is a key skill to master at the beginning of KS2, and children will be set daily handwriting practise in their handwriting book. Once children have consistently demonstrated this skill in all aspects of their work they will be awarded a ‘pen licence’ and given a writing journal where they will complete a weekly writing task. While weekly consolidation of core subjects is important, we also believe that children should have the option to pursue their creativity and love of other subjects at home. During each school holiday, children are set an optional subject-specific project that can showcase their passion and skills. These often contribute to a whole school display or competition.Maths homework
Spelling homework
English homework
Project homework