Dear Parents and Carers, Ofsted I am delighted that we are able to share the outcome from our recent inspection. The school attained outstanding in all categories and Ofsted affirms that there is an exceptional quality of education provided for children at St Michael’s School. The inspection took place on the 21st and 22nd of June with three inspectors in attendance. They investigated all aspects of school life, from the moment children enter the school, be that for a morning club or independently walking to their line or classroom. Inspectors observed the children’s lessons, lunch times, playtimes and the end of the school day including after school clubs. The report highlights the manner by which the inspectors reached their decisions. Mrs Sorapure and I were able to observe discussions between the inspectors, which consistently reflected the great level to which they were impressed with their findings within the school. You will read in the report that the quality of education was inspected through ‘Deep Dives’ in specific subjects, which entails looking closely at the planned learning and delivery of a subject across the whole school. Several other subjects were scrutinised as well by comparing their planning and leadership to ensure the overview and intent was equal in quality to those subjects which had deep dives. Inspectors met with subject leaders to discuss the curriculum and provision for learning, observed lessons, looked at children’s work and spoke with both teachers and pupils. The curriculum for all subjects is ambitious, exceeding expectations. Subject leadership and teaching are strong, and our pupils make very good progress. I would like to thank our dedicated staff and our voluntary Governing Body. Their commitment, leadership, care and teaching are exceptional. Best wishes, Geraldine Gallagher
Inspectors met with a range of pupils in groups and observed them throughout the day. Children feel safe. Lunchtimes and playtimes are a happy experience, during which pupils have access to a variety of activities and eat together in ‘family’ groups. Children’s behaviour is exemplary. Inspectors commented that it was a pleasure speaking with them; I am personally so proud of them.
Executive Headteacher
As a Church of England school, we are also inspected under Section 48 of the Education Act (2005). Our most recent Section 48 inspection in 2012, found that:Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools
‘The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St Michael’s CE School as a Church of England school are outstanding.’ ‘St Michael’s is an outstanding Church School because it demonstrates the Christian values it promotes in every part of its school. Because of this, Collective Worship, Religious Education (RE) significantly contributes to pupils’ development whilst the strong partnership between school, church and community enriches pupils’ lives. Prayer and faith thread through the school uniting stakeholders and affirming both those of faith and no faith.’
SIAMs – Inspection March 2018 – awarded Outstanding